Areas of expertise:
Qualifications and professional experience
She is an atttorney-at-law (radca prawny) registered with the Katowice Regional Chamber of Attorneys-at-Law.
She has a master-level degree in law (with the top grade) from the University of Silesia,
Katowice, Poland.
Aneta is a PhD student and an academic teacherat the Department of Civil Law and Private International Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland.
She speaks at conferences and seminars (about aspects of personal data protection law, consumer protection law and inheritance law).
She has completed two editions of the School of Chinese Law and Culture, as well as the Polish Arbitration Forum Academy.
Her areas of expertise include labour law, pharmaceutical law and personal data protection law (GDPR). She advises clients on matters related to both individual and collective labour law, including employment aspects in company conversion projects, labour law cases and work accident cases.
She advises HR teams for employers with more than 500 people.
She is a highly experienced trainer and adviser.
Aneta has been providing her legal services to Polish and international clients, both individuals and businesses, in the pharmaceutical, automotive, metal casting, heat generation, clothing, construction and financial industries.
Research papers published
- „O poszukiwaniu prawa właściwego dla testamentów wspólnych w polskim prawie prywatnym międzynarodowym” (In Search of the Applicable Law for Joint Wills in Polish Private International Law), Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego, T. 20, published by the University of Silesia, Katowice 2017, pp. 77-94.
- „Testamenty wspólne w prawie polskim – uwagi de lege lata i de lege ferenda” [w:] (Joint Wills in Polish Law: de lege lata and de lege ferenda comments [in]) „Prawo prywatne wobec wyzwań współczesności. Księga pamiątkowa dedykowana Profesorowi Leszkowi Ogiegle”, edited by: M. Fras, P. Ślęzak, Warszawa 2017, pp. 325 – 333.
- „Odpowiedzialność dewelopera względem konsumenta z tytułu rękojmi za wady fizyczne lokalu mieszkalnego lub domu jednorodzinnego” [w:] (Liability of Property Developers To Consumers for Physical Defects in Flats or Single-Family Houses under the Statutory Warranty Regime [in]) „Ochrona konsumenta na rynku usług”, pod. red.: M. Jagielska, E. Sługocka – Krupa, K. Podgórski, Warsaw 2016, pp. 240-249.
American football, sailing, fitness training, travelling, Korean culture and cuisine