Legal audits / due diligence examinations
In what situations?
We are experienced in conducting legal and financial examinations of companies. Our lawyers will prepare your potential transaction target for an audit, prepare and negotiate a due diligence plan, and make sure that your confidential data room and selected documents are protected. Do you require an audit of your investment target, with a final report (a risk map) indicating the legal risks involved and our recommended actions before the transaction? You have found the right place.
What is a due diligence examination?
It covers a legal analysis and a review of :
- the shareholding structure and corporate documentation,
- personnel matters,
- regulatory compliance, with special emphasis of a GDPR policy,
- commercial contracts,
- property/assets, including real property and intellectual property,
- judicial and administrative proceedings,
- environmental matters.
Why should you trust us?
KBZ is part of an international network of law firms (AIEL), which allows us to conduct due diligence examinations of international transactions involving the acquisition of investment targets.
Would you like to take advantage of our experience in this area?
If yes, contact me:
Marcin Barczyk
Phone: +48 32 202 42 97