Areas of expertise:
Qualifications and professional experience
She is a Founder Partner at KBZ.
She has a law degree from the Faculty of Law, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland.
In the 1970s, she was registered as an attorney-at-law (radca prawny) with the Katowice Regional Chamber of Attorneys-at-Law.
Barbara began her career in this capacity working for PSS Społem, a large state-owned food distribution company, and for a state forest management authority. Later, she managed PSS Społem’s team of lawyers.
She has been a self-employed practising lawyer since the early 1990s, initially as a partner in a civil-law partnership (IUS S.C.) and, later, a partner at B. Żuradzka Kancelaria Prawna Sp.K. and, since 2011, at KBZ under its present name. In addition to working for PSS Społem and the forest management authority, she has also provided legal services to both public and private healthcare providers, as well as commercial companies in the construction, architecture, international commerce, waste management and transport industries.
She assists many employers with collective agreements, pay systems and other employee benefit systems. She has been advising clients on aspects of public procurement law since these provisions became part of the Polish legal system.
Barbara has also assisted clients with applying for environmental permits. In recent years, she has gained considerable experience of practical application of environmental law, including construction law and waste management regulations.
She has been representing clients in court cases for more than 30 years.
She advises local governments on aspects of public procurement law and collective disputes.
Currently, her daily work involves working for business clients, public finance sector institutions, including healthcare providers, as well as local government and State Treasury institutions, plus medical practitioners.
Barbara is in charge of KBZ’s judicial representation team. The lawyers in the team represent our clients in commercial disputes.