The ban on entering the Czech Republic for more than 12 hours
Dear Sirs,
We kindly inform you that on 6 November 2020 new rules for entry into the Czech Republic were announced, which will take effect from 9 November 2020.
Starting from November 9th, 2020, travellers from Poland will not be able to enter the Czech Republic as a rule. Business trips will be allowed up to 12 hours. This does not apply to international transport workers, among others.
This is related to Poland being placed on the list of countries at high risk of contracting coronavirus by the system of marking European countries for travel safety (the so-called “Semafor”).
Only the following categories of persons may enter the Czech Republic from a high-risk country, including Poland, provided that they are required to test and complete a location form for stays of more than 12 hours:
- foreigners with a permanent or temporary residence permit in countries with low risk of COVID-19,
- holders of a valid long-stay visa, permanent or temporary residence permit in the Czech Republic issued by the Czech Republic,
- foreigners with a valid temporary or permanent residence permit within the EU,
- family members (including a proven permanent partnership) of citizens of the Czech Republic or EU citizens with their residence in the Czech Republic,
- international transport workers,
- if the entry of these foreigners is in the interest of the Czech Republic, provided that the reason for entry is confirmed by an appropriate document (e.g. pupils, students, cross-border workers, business partners, diplomats),
- in emergency situations (e.g. necessity to receive planned health care services, fulfillment of obligations imposed by the court, departure on the basis of a summons from a state authority, execution of a court order, official proceedings, necessary care of close family members incapable of independent care, exercising the right to care for or contact with a minor, other humanitarian situations), provided that the reason for entry is confirmed by appropriate documents.
Coming to the Czech Republic for persons mentioned above for a period of more than 12 h (if the stay in a high-risk country in the last 14 days lasted more than 12 h) requires:
- to complete the electronic registration form of arrival (, to take the PCR test within 5 days of arrival and
- to submit the result of the test to the regional hygiene station.
The Czech Republic also recognizes PCR tests performed in another EU Member State not older than those performed up to 72 hours.
Exemptions from the obligation to fill in the localization and testing form for COVID 19 have been included, among others:
- international transport workers,
- EU citizens and foreigners with a permanent or long-term residence permit within the EU who transit the Czech Republic within 12 hours or travel to the Czech Republic for a period not exceeding 12 hours for urgent health, family, business or professional reasons,
- children under 5 years old,
- diplomats accredited in the Czech Republic,
- cross-border workers, pupils and students who regularly cross the border with a neighbouring country for work or study purposes at least once a week.
Travel from low-risk countries does not generate any restrictions (no obligation to submit a negative Covid-19 test or quarantine).
Tourist travel in the Czech Republic is not possible since October 22, 2020, and the hotel infrastructure does not provide tourist accommodation services.
In case of any further rules of travel to the Czech Republic, we will inform you immediately about their introduction.
If you have any questions or concerns, we remain at your disposal.
Yours faithfully,
The KBZ Żuradzka & Partners team
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