The PFR shield for large companies
Dear Sirs,
KBZ always puts the care of our Clients’ interests first. The hard times we live in require us to pay special attention and seek all forms of support that would allow our Clients to maintain the continuity of their business and minimize the losses incurred due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
One of the forms of support we apply for our Clients is the support within the PFR shield for large companies. We monitor on an ongoing basis both the status of applications for funding submitted through us, as well as the current status of the funds disposed of.
According to PFR data valid as of 6 November 2020, the list of beneficiaries of the PFR shield for large companies includes only 11 entities. So far, the amount paid out by the PFR to large enterprises is about PLN 151,700,000 from the total pool of PLN 25 billion. The amount of liquidity loans granted so far was about PLN 103 million and the amount of preferential loans granted (generally redeemable up to 75% of the loan) was PLN 48 700 000.
Please note that according to the Government’s information, the deadline for submitting applications for funding has been extended to 31 March 2021. The PFR also intends to change the rules for calculating the damage of COVID-19 in preferential loans, from the current period: March – August 2020 to March 2020. – March 2021.
We hope that the amount of financial support for entrepreneurs will continue to increase, and that future beneficiaries will include KBZ Clients.
If you have any questions or concerns, we remain at your disposal.
Yours faithfully,
The KBZ Żuradzka & Partners team
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